The CDL 240 DDS-4 6-Slot Internal Autoloader provides a reliable backup solution for high-performance workstations through mid-range servers. Based on the DDS-4 format, this autoloader delivers a sustained transfer rate of up to 165 MB/min (native) and 330 MB/min (compressed)) and a compressed backup speed of up to 19.8 GB/hr. Supporting media with 120 GB native capacity and 240 GB compressed capacity, it is compatible with DDS-DC, DDS-2, DDS-3 and DDS-4 formats. Featuring chamber for the head-to-tape interface (HTI), it increases reliability by reducing airborne contaminants. Bundled up with a 6 cartridge magazine and Yosemite Technologies TapeWare XE workstation and server backup software, the CDL 240 DDS-4 6-Slot Internal Autoloader provides the complete data protection solution for you!