The latest addition to the HP SureStore DLT range delivers 80GB on a single tape, to stay ahead of the backup and restore requirements of enterprise managers facing increasing capacity demand and a shrinking window. Compatibility with many top selling server brands is tested and assured. Hardware connectivity with many top server brands, including Compaq, HP and IBM. Compatible with leading operating systems and backup software. Includes backup software for network servers. HP TapeAssure for worry-free hardware installation.
6.9 in x 6.3 in x 12.8 in
14.6 lbs
40 GB (native), 80 GB (compressed)
Data Transfer Rate
6 MBps (native), 12 MBps (compressed)
Min Operating System
Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 or later, Novell NetWare 4.x, Novell NetWare 5.x, Red Hat Linux 5.2, Red Hat Linux 6.0